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Overview Core Ember+ tree entries

About the data that DHD Cores (52/XS/XC/XD/XS2/XC2/XD2) provide via their Ember+ interface

All data of a single Series 52 DHD device is listed within the Identifier “Device”.

“Device > Identity”

  • Contains information about that device which is uniquely identified by its IP-Address
  • “Device > Identity > Company”: company name
  • “Device > Identity > Series”: series information of the current device
  • “Device > Identity > Product”: core product number (e.g. 52-7440)
  • “Device > Identity > Firmwareversion”: current firmware version of the device
  • “Device > Identity > DHD-ember-plus-struct”: struct version information

“Device > GPI”

Boolean inputs on the DHD device

  • Currently contains 50 writable GPIs, carrying a boolean value. Number of GPIs might be extended in the future.

  • Those GPIs can be used inside a DHD device configuration to trigger internal logics, switches etc.

  • “Device > GPI > GPI x > identifier”:

    • Uniquely addresses a GPI within the device.
    • The identifier value is fix and consists of the string “GPI ” followed by GPI number: //GPI 1..GPI 50//
  • “Device > GPI > GPI x > description”:

    • Can contain a user defined label of that GPI.
    • This label is only descriptive and can be set within the DHD device configuration.
    • If no user defined label is set the description is identical with the identifier.

“Device > GPO”

Boolean outputs of a DHD device

  • Currently contains up to 50 GPOs, carrying a boolean value. Maximum number of GPOs might be changed in the future.
  • Those GPOs are set by internal logics states of a DHD device. The trigger logics and conditions must be configured within the DHD device configuration.
  • Only GPOs that have a trigger logic configured within the DHD device configuration are listed within “Device > GPO”.

In the test environment using the file DHD_Example1.EmBER at the provider 6 GPOs are listed: GPO1-GPO5, GPO50

  • “Device > GPO > GPO x > identifier”:
    • Uniquely addresses a GPO within the device.
    • The identifier value is fix and consists of the string “GPO ” followed by GPO number: GPO 1..GPO 50
  • “Device > GPO > GPO x > description”:
    • Can contain a user defined label of that GPI.
    • This label is only descriptive and can be set within the DHD device configuration.
    • If no user defined label is set the description is identical with the identifier. 

Device > Channels

  • Contains up to 250 channels, providing several channel related information and values
  • Only defined Fader Channels - from the DHD device configuration - are listed within “Device > Channels”
  • “Device > Channels > Channel x > identifier”:
    • Uniquely addresses a Fader Channel within the device.
    • The identifier value is fix and consists of the string “Channel ” followed by the Fader Channel number (same number as in the DHD device configuration): Channel 1..Channel 250
  • “Device > Channels > Channel x > description”:
    • Contains the original label of that channel as defined in the DHD device configuration.
  • “Device > Channels > Channel x > Active”:
    • Boolean
    • read only
    • ‘True’ if that channel is assigned to a fader
  • “Device > Channels > Channel x > Label”:
    • UTF8
    • read/write
    • contains the current fader channel label
    • is empty when original label is used (see “Device > Channels > Channel x > description”)
  • “Device > Channels > Channel x > Fader”:
    • Integer value
    • read/write
    • min value -16000
    • max value 10000
    • factor 100
    • format UTF8 %3.2fdB
    • contains the current fader value
  • “Device > Channels > Channel x > PFL”:
    • Boolean
    • read/write
    • ‘True’ if PFL is activated on that channel
    • if set to ‘True’ PFL will be activated on that channel
  • “Device > Channels > Channel x > Channel_ON”:
    • Boolean
    • read/write
    • ‘True’ if channel is activated
    • if set to ‘True’ channel will be activated
  • “Device > Channels > Channel x > Faderstart”:
    • Boolean
    • read only
    • ‘True’ if that channel is activated and above the channel’s faderstart threshold.

“Device > Global Labels”

  • Is provided since Firmware Version 8.0.7

  • ‘Global Labels’ rely on a DHD internal system of interchanging text strings between devices of a Toolbox8 project. Generally there could be up to 100 different ‘Global Labels’ within a project. GlobalLabel exchange is based on a master/slave system.

  • Currently contains up to 100 Global Labels – might be extended in the future.

  • At “Device > Global Labels” all defined ‘Global Labels’ are listed.

  • ‘Global Labels’ which are mastered by the current device can be read & edited. All other listed ‘Global Labels’ are read-only.

  • “Device > Global Labels > GlobalLabel x > identifier”:

    • Uniquely addresses a ‘Global Label’ within the current device.
    • The identifier value is fix and consists of the string “GlobalLabel ” followed by GlobalLabel number: GlobalLabel 1.. GlobalLabel 100
  • “Device > Global Labels > GlobalLabel x > description”:

    • Contains the Global Label description as defined in the DHD project configuration.
  • “Device > Global Labels > GlobalLabel x > value”:

    • Current string of the Global Label.
    • This text is shown everywhere, where this Global Label is referenced.
    • When the current value is deleted, the value will be automatically set to the default label (set in the DHD project configuration).
  • “Device > Global Labels > GlobalLabel x > access”:

    • ‘Global Labels’ which are mastered by the current device can be read & edited. All other listed ‘Global Labels’ are read-only.